Please read this information in its entirety before contacting the CSRAHamExams Team regarding your Amateur Radio License/Call Sign.

Below is the flow of processing your examination for receiving an Amateur Radio License from the Federal Communications Commission:

1. Candidate (You) pass an amateur radio exam with a local Volunteer Examination Team (VE Team) (Us – CSRA Ham Exams Team)

2. Upon successfully passing the exam, the CSRA Ham Exams Team Liaison electronically submits your results to a Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC), in our case the VEC is the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL).  This is usually completed on the day of the exam.

3. Once the ARRL (VEC) receives the required documentation (usually the next business day), the ARRL will submit the request for licensing to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) who is ultimately responsible for issuing amateur radio licenses.  If you must contact the ARRL VEC you may do so on normal business days from 8 AM until 5 PM Eastern Time at 800-594-0300 or you may email the ARRL VEC at VEC [at]

4. Once the FCC Receives the required documentation (usually the next business day), the FCC will Email You at the email address You placed on the 605 Form.  For those receiving their First Amateur Radio License, a link that is good for only 10 Days to pay your licensing fee to the FCC will be provided.  You MUST PAY THIS $35 Fee to receive your license.  If you do not pay this fee within the allotted timeframe, You must contact the FCC to get them to resend the payment link.




2. See #1

3. See #1

4. See #1

5. It can take approximately 1 business week for the process to be completed.

6. Please wait at least one week before contacting the CSRA Ham Exams Team.  Rarely is there an issue with the submission from the CSRA Ham Exams Team to the ARRL.

7. This process will only be completed if You legibly printed your email address on the 605 form and the information you submitted to receive your Federal Registration Number (FRN) matches the information You placed on the 605 form.